Castles in the Pays Cathare are impressive Medieval testimonies.
Find links to individual castles below. More info at

Château Peyrepertuse

– Rennes le Château
Château d’Aguilars (Tuchan)
– Château d’Arques
Château de Foix
– Château de Montségur
– Château de Puivert
– Château de Peyrepertuse
– Château de Puilaurens
– Les Quatre Châteaux de Lastours
Château de Quéribus

Not all of these castles are of Cathar origin, and most have been modified after the 13th century. But they all are well worth visiting, and many of them stand in fabulous locations!

Cité de Carcassonne

The same holds true for the mighty military structures in this area, notably:

– Carcassonne, ‘La Cité’
– Forteresse de Salses, near Perpignan